Symptoms Treated:

Chronic Pain Management:

Pain is a complex experience that incorporates biological, neurological, and psychological factors. When a person is experiencing chronic pain from an injury or a condition such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, or lupus, they also experience changes in their everyday ability to function and their interpersonal relationships that can add to their stress levels and even to their experience of pain. Behavioral medicine treatment for chronic pain conditions incorporates a variety of techniques. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be used to help learn new ways of processing the experience of daily living with chronic pain and to work toward healthier behaviors and improved communication with physicians and significant others about your experience. Relaxation training and mindfulness-based therapies, sometimes aided by biofeedback and hypnosis, can help to decrease muscle tension and stress, thereby decreasing the actual level of pain an individual experiences. For more information on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), please click here.

Infertility Treatments:

Struggling with infertility can be stressful in itself, but for a large number of women stress can actually be the cause or a significant contributing factor to their difficulties conceiving. Recent medical research has demonstrated that high levels of stress can lead to amenorrhea by increasing the stress hormone cortisol. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been shown by research to be an extremely effective treatment to stress-related infertility by working towards more positive cognitive patterns, health behaviors, and teaching coping and relaxation skills. Mindfulness techniques and biofeedback can also be used to increase the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. For more information on how CBT can help in the treatment of stress-related infertility, please visit the following external articles: CBT treatment for infertility.

Anxiety-Related Treatments:

Anxiety can come in many forms. Some people feel anxious all of the time, excessively worrying about everyday things. Others experience anxiety mostly in social or performance situations such a speaking in public or going to a party where they don’t know many people, worrying “what will they think about me.” Some people experience panic attacks; sudden discrete periods of intense anxiety with significant physical symptoms. Other anxiety disorders can include OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) with obsessive, anxiety-producing thoughts and compulsive behaviors that reduce the anxiety (checking the stove multiple times, counting to a certain number, excessively washing hands, etc), or Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in with a trauma history has lead to significant anxiety, fear, and avoidance.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been the most widely researched treatment for anxiety disorders and has been shown to be extremely effective in treating anxiety symptoms. This can involve identifying triggers for anxiety, learning relaxation techniques to decrease anxiety symptoms, questioning dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs that contribute to anxiety, and exposure to the anxiety producing situations or the physical feelings associated with anxiety to reduce body and mind’s reaction to these triggers.

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